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How are counselling services started?

There are several ways a referral may occur:

  • Parent – requests by parents can be made by contacting your child’s school or teacher and letting them know you’d like to speak to the school counsellor.

  • Student – students can directly request to see the counsellor at any time.  The school counsellor can see the student once without parent permission. On-going sessions require a signed consent form.

  • Teacher – concerns can be brought directly to the counsellor at any time.  A counsellor may meet with a student one time to introduce themselves. A conversation with and consent from parents is required before a counsellor will make contact to discuss on-going services.

Requests to discuss a student can be made through email, but please do not include any details about the student or your concerns to maintain a student’s right to confidentiality.


The SD#91 Counselling Referral Process:

  1. Communicate with an SD#91 counsellor at your school if counselling services are desired for a Learner.

  2. If counselling services are deemed to be appropriate and available, the counsellor or another ideal school staff member in consultation with the counsellor, will reach out to the parent/guardian of the Learner.

  3. Consent letter and form to be filled out/sent home at the direction of an SD#91 counsellor (Paper or Electronic options). Consent form, signed by legal parent/guardian must be returned to school or submitted electronically.

  4. Follow up Communication/Start of counselling services will happen as needed.

*Before sending the Parent Consent form home the counsellor will assess, through a conversation with the parent, staff member, and/or student, if the issue is appropriate for school counselling or if other school resources, or an outside agency is required.

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